Saturday, February 22, 2024
3:00-5:30 p.m.
Lord of Life Lutheran Church -- Fairfax
On Saturday, February 22, kick off with a 60–90 minute lecture by Dr. Bass, complete with a Q&A session, followed by a book signing and reception. Engage in a thought-provoking discussion on what it means to live out Christian values in times of change.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
6 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Covenant
Friends and neighbors are invited to come enjoy the Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner at 6 p.m. in the Upper Fellowship Hall.
A free will offering will support the next Rise Against Hunger event. Rise Against Hunger is an international hunger relief agency.
"Shrove Tuesday", also known as pancake day or Fat Tuesday, marks the day before the season of Lent begins.
It originated as a last day of feasting to use up fats and oils that traditionally would not be used during Lent (a season often marked by fasting and repentance).
Although “shrove” is a word that is derived from “shrived,” which refers to the confessions of wrongdoing before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, the day has taken on a celebratory feel in more recent years.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
7 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Covenant
We will mark this solemn day as we confess our wrongdoings, receive the imposition of ashes where we remember "We are dust and to dust we shall return," and share Christ's holy meal together.
Wednesdays in Lent
6 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Covenant
Gather together for a warm meal and community during the Lenten season.